Plaits, Feathers n' Baggy Tee's | Being You | OOTD

// Baggy Bohemian Shirt from Berskha // Just Your Average Black Leggings // Leather Choker With Triangle Charm made by myself // Hair Feather from Primark // Parka Jacket from Gap // 

You have a dig through your wardrobe and you find an item of clothing you haven't worn in yonks. You then carefully craft a masterpiece of an outfit around this one item, look in the mirror and you notice that smirk on your face, that smile of pure pride (Versace eat your heart out). Well that happened to me today! Ok its not a masterpiece by any means, but its a super comfy outfit, with a touch of boho chic. Whilst also being terribly laissez-faire. I felt like I was really expressing my style when I wore this outfit, and personally I think thats key in life! Just expressing your self in general, expressing yourself through your makeup, your hair, your clothing, your hobbies etc. I believe if you express yourself through your 'look', you will attract people of similar interests and beliefs as you. Also by expressing your opinions and your personality you will do the same. 

Be you because nobody else can!

Toodle pip,


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